Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scripture Challenge - Days 27 & 28


Have a few days to catch up on.  Don't worry, I didn't neglect my readings each day, just not always easy to get on here to blog at night, even though they've been very short lately!

If you've read (I hope you have) some of the verses I've posted lately, this scripture lesson has taken us into a whole lot of fighting and talk of darkness.  And even though some of these chapters aren't easy to read, I imagine that it's important to know a lot of the details of this period in time that led up to the birth of Jesus, for sure, but also the stories help to establish the point that God was trying to make with so many of these people....which was the lesson of trust in Him.

Then, the reading for day 27, Isaiah 9:1-8, (v.1) "...that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever....".  I have to say I was somewhat relieved that it started out like that...whew, it won't go on forever...good to know!  LOL  The whole rest of this reading just made me feel good inside.  I love me some positivity.  I liked all of it, but here was my fav verse in this day's reading:

Isaiah 9:2  "The people who walk in the darkness will see a great light.  For those whole live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine."

So, yay!

Day 28 - Isaiah 42:1-9

This was another good chapter example of God trying to get through to some of his peeps.  Here's the verse to best summarize:

Isaiah 42:5:  "God, the Lord, created the heavens and stretched them out.  He created the earth and everything in it.  He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth..."

Yay, God!


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